For this post, Just Get in the Car was given three publications from National Geographic Kids to write about. Opinions are 100% our own. Enjoy!
As you know, we live in the age of Aquarius … oh, sorry. That was from an interesting conversation that I was a part of several years ago, but that’s a different blog post altogether.
We do however, live in an age of screens. You can’t deny it, or fight it really, but I have a theory about life that I think is rather enlightened. Instead of trying to eliminate the less then desirable, or less than healthy habits, foods, people… add the good. The good food, the good people, the good habits. It’s not fool proof, but it makes sense to me – leave less room for the things, the food, and the people that drain you of your life force by adding in as much positivity and goodness as possible.
This is the reason that I was so excited to be asked by Media Masters Publicity to review the newest edition of three National Geographic Kids publications, the 2020 Almanac, Weird But True USA, and Brain Games. Not only was it cool to have the chance to review these well-known publications, but I was thrilled to have my children check them out as well. I want them to get excited about real life books and tangible things that aren’t only accessible through a screen.
I love a great visual presentation, and National Geographic Kids does not disappoint. Not only were my children super excited to receive these books in the mail, but the images and colors of the publications are absolutely eye catching. When kids see them (and adults too), they think, woah, that looks awesome, let me see what is inside.

I was going to write a whole post about my adult thoughts on these books, but I thought you’d all be more interested in what our seven year old has to say about them, specifically the Weird But True book. He read it all in one day!
Before we get to his review, though, here is a quick recap of what to expect in each book.
Weird but true: 300 fun and interesting facts about the fifty states. The facts are presented along with cool pictures and graphics, and are great to remember for those times when you need a conversation starter!
Almanac 2020: Eleven color coded sections of incredible educational information. Presented in a way that is super kid friendly, easy to read, and easy to understand. Adults can use this Almanac as a reference for those hard to answer questions kids tend to throw at unsuspecting parents! Sections include: Your World 2020, Amazing Animals, Science and Technology, Going Green, Culture Connection, Space and Earth, Fun and Games, Awesome Exploration, Wonders of Nature, History Happens, and Geography Rocks
Brain Games Mighty Book of Mind Benders: A book full of activities and information to help your kiddos expand their brain power. Chapters include: Brainiacs Wanted, The Senses, Words and Language, Spatial Smarts, Problem Solving, Memory, and Brain mysteries

Our nine year old is loving the Almanac, and also the Brain Games book. I’m hoping to bring all three books on our upcoming trip to Toronto, for fun and family education!

A few notes about the National Geographic Kids Almanac 2020:
The website is awesome! Don’t forget to check it out for more cool stuff. There is so much for the kids to look at and learn.
National Geographic Kids is inspiring kids to think about how they can change the world. Children are challenged to come up with an idea, change, invention, or discovery that they hope for in the future. They can submit their vision for a chance to be the Almanac 2020 Visionary. Let us know what they are thinking about, so we can all be encouraged to do better.
National Geographic is also hosting a Summer on the Go 2020 Grand Prize Giveaway in celebration of the 10th edition of the Almanac. Follow this link or click on the image below to enter for your chance to win!
All in all I am so excited to have all three of these books for our kids. They can go back to them time and time again, talk about the facts they are learning, and expand their minds and how they think about the world. I highly recommend that you check out all that National Geographic Kids has to offer!